Monumenter i købstaden 1864 - 1920

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Danish words commonly found in the database

The translation of Danish words listed below will be a great help to you in getting to understand the specific database records of individual towns and cities in Denmark.

Danish – English

  1. Afsløring = Unveiling
  2. Borgmester = Mayor
  3. Bøg = Beech
  4. Bøgegren = Beech branch
  5. Dannebrog = the name of the Danish national flag
  6. Dansk = Danish
  7. Daughter = Often used as a symbol of Southern Jutland
  8. Den Danske Forsvarsbrødreforening = Forsvarsbrødrene = Ex-servicemen’s Association
  9. Den Danske Vaabenbrødreforening = Vaabenbrødrene = Ex-servicemen’s Association
  10. Denkmal = German word for memorial
  11. Det danske mindretal = The Danish minority in Germany following the re-unification of the southern part of Jutland with Denmark in 1920 which left the most southern parts of the old dutchies as a part of Germany
  12. Det tyske mindretal = The German minority in Denmark following the re-unification of the southern part of Jutland with Denmark in 1920
  13. Dragon = Dragoon, cavalryman
  14. Dyrlæge = Veterinary surgeon
  15. Egeløv = Oak leaf
  16. Enke = Widow
  17. Financiering = How the monument was financed
  18. Finsk = Finnish, somebody from Finland
  19. Fodfolk = Infantry
  20. Forsvarsministeriet = The Department of Defence
  21. Forsvarsministeriets Krigergravtilsyn = The Danish War Graves Commission
  22. Gebliebenen = German word for those who did not return
  23. Genforening = Re-unification
  24. Granit = Granite
  25. Grav = Grave
  26. Hjelm = Helmet
  27. Indskrift = Inscription
  28. Indvielse = Dedication
  29. Initiativtager = The one who took the initiative to build a monument
  30. Kalksten = Lime stone
  31. Kameradenverein = German ex-servicemen’s association
  32. Kirke = church
  33. Kommune = Municipality
  34. Krig = War
  35. Kriger = Warrior
  36. Krigsinvalid = Disabled war veteran
  37. Krigsmindesmærke = War memorial
  38. Krigsministeriet = The War Department
  39. Læge = Doctor
  40. Lærer = Teacher
  41. Materiale = The material the monument is made from
  42. Menneske = Person
  43. Mennesker = People, group of people
  44. Mindeceremoni = Ceremony of remembrance
  45. Mindesmærke = Memorial
  46. Mindesten = Memorial stone, monument made always of stone
  47. Monument = Monument
  48. Monumenttype = Monument type
  49. Mor Danmark = Mother Denmark – a fictional young woman who is Denmark personified
  50. Natursten = Natural stone
  51. Navn = Name
  52. Nordmand = Norwegian
  53. Pastor = Parson
  54. Pårørende = Relative
  55. Sandsten = Sand stone
  56. Savnet, savnede = Missing
  57. Schleswig = The southern part of the peninsula of Jutland
  58. Skaber = The one who created/made the monument
  59. Skole = School
  60. Sogn = Parish. Until 1970 the rural areas of Denmark was divided into administrative parishes as well as church parishes
  61. Sognepræst = Vicar
  62. Sognerådsformand = Parish Council Chairman
  63. Sokkel = base
  64. Soldat i søværnet = Military sailor
  65. Soldat, soldater = Soldier, soldiers
  66. Stilhed = Silence
  67. Svensker = Swede
  68. Sværd = Sword
  69. Sydslesvig = The southern part of what used to be the duchies of Schleswig and Holstein and which as a result of the plebiscite had a majority for staying German after 1920
  70. Såret, sårede = Wounded
  71. Sømand = Sailor, used for both military and civilian
  72. Sønderjylland = Nordslesvig = Northern Schleswig = The southern part of the peninsula of Jutland which was returned to Denmark as part of the Re-unification in 1920
  73. Sønderjysk Forening = Association with the aim of promoting the cause of getting the southern part of Jutland reunified with Denmark
  74. Tysk = German
  75. Tyskland = Germany
  76. Udseende = Appearance
  77. Veteran = war veteran